Illawarra Innovation Quest
Art Direction
The University of Wollongong launches Illawarra Innovation Quest to address COVID-19 challenges. This challenge is designed to accelerate the commercialization of research products that enable businesses to address the impacts of the pandemic.
As a brand new event, Illawarra Innovation Quest didn’t have any branding. The IIQ team initially wanted to create a simple logo and a video that would be used to invite participants. We had a very tight timeframe for the project.
I developed a simple visual identity that gave life to Illawarra Innovation Quest. The identity works well with the University of Wollongong’s branding and is not niched to scientific solutions only – making it flexible for future quests.

Crafting the concept
With ‘research’ as the driving thought, my approach was to create a straight to the point concept that will work with UOW’s branding.

The logo concept isn't niched to science-based solutions making it flexible and timeless for future generation quests.

Cobranding with UOW
The logo works seamlessly with UOW’s branding. I created a simple system for logo usage and designed collateral concepts to establish a consistent approach to marketing materials.

With only red and Navy blue, I was able to create a full brand identity, logo, and collaterals that would establish a timeless but flexible look. This is identity is easy to build upon at any future quest.